Tuesday 14 April 2015

Summery Nail Designs

 Hey guys! :)

 This is my first blog hope you enjoy!

As the weather is getting a bit summery and colorful i thought the best thing to do was to give you all some pretty nail designs!

Here are some quick and easy designs!

 This is a really simple and effective
design which i thought was really 
cute! If you wanted to change it up
you could totally use different colors!

The color that i thought matched
this pretty well was the Barry M
nail polish for only £2.50! 



 Another design which i will be totally trying
out myself was this really effective pastel 
ombre design that can easily made by using 
a sponge and gently dabbing a sponge in
the color of your choice and slowly bringing
in the other colors to make a beautiful ombre
design and remember practice makes perfect!

 I thought that the O.P.I nail polish matched perfectly to this
design because of the amazing pastly pink shade this gives of, and can also be found in a gorgeous sunflower yellow and an amazing baby blue!

At £7.49 this is a little more expensive but is really your moneys worth!

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